Merry Christmas! Christmas is quite possibly our favorite Holiday in the Arnold house! Especially now that Jackson is starting to get the hang of the whole “present” thing! Christmas morning we woke up had breakfast and then embarked on the present opening! Next year I need to remember to give Jackson the most boring present first, because once he opened up the first toy all he wanted to do was play with that one! He really seemed to enjoy all of the fun things he got J That evening we headed down to St. Augustine to see the festival of lights! Unfortunately it was a little rainy, but we made the best of it!
Welcome to our Blog! Hunter and I are thrilled to start out our adventure in parenthood! Jackson Charles Arnold joined us on October 10, 2010
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Christmas Eve!
Today started off great! We met matt and Gina for breakfast at Metro Diner and then took Jackson to the park J I think Matt and Hunter had more fun than Jackson though! After the park we met Grammy and Granddaddy at church for their Christmas Eve service, then headed over to their house for dinner and presents! Jackson got some pretty great gifts! He especially loved the rocking horse!
Saturday, December 17, 2011
This past weekend we headed up to Michigan for the annual Kolak family Christmas party! We had a great time as usual! We stayed the night over at Hunter’s cousin’s house which is great because they have a daughter who is about 8 months older than Jackson. Jackson and Leah got a long great! On the Saturday we headed over to Grampa’s house for Dinner and visiting with family.. There were some many kids I don’t think Jackson knew what to do! On Sunday we headed back to Grampa’s for breakfast and to say our good byes. On our way to the airport we stopped by Frankenmuth to go to Bronners (the biggest Christmas store in the country) and to get some fudge..yum!
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Visit to the Urgent care center
Toady this mommy was a nervous wreck again! Jackson and I drove over to Tallahassee for Michelle’s Bridal shower, when half way there, Jackson started to cough and had a little bit of wheezing. I gave him some medicine and hoped it would clear up.. Well the next morning he could barely breath he was wheezing so bad. Unfortunately, I did not have the nebulizer with us (that will never happen again) this might have been a different story had we had it. I finally decided it was time to take J to the Urgent care center. There was a 3 hour wait! However, after the nurse saw the state he was in (laying lifeless in my arms struggling to breath) they saw us right away. After 2 steroid breathing treatments and xrays, J was sounding much better his oxygen levels were still low, but way better than they were when we first came in. Thanks goodness!
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
I can do the Chop!
Daddy will be so proud! Jackson has now mastered doing the Seminole chop while trying to sing along to the warchant! He can also put his arms up in the air every time I say touchdown! He is quite a smart little fella :)
Monday, December 5, 2011
Tubes :(
As any new mommy knows, anytime your child has to go to the Dr. or has to be put under, it is absolutely nerve wracking! Today was no exception.. Jackson had to have tubes put in his ears L I was expecting the worse, of course.. It ended up being a breeze! The worst part of the whole day was not being able to give Jackson anything to eat or drink when he woke up! Lol.. We were at the surgery center at 6:30am and were taken back around 8.. The Dr. took him back and 10 minutes later he was back with us! Still asleep from the anestic but he did great! 5 minutes after that he was up and running around again and of course wanting some breakfast :)

Saturday, December 3, 2011
Christmas Party
Today Jackson got to see Santa again J He is one lucky boy! Grammy had a Christmas party at her work complete with a clown, bounce house, face painting and of course Santa! We have been quite lucky with our Santa encounters.. no melt downs or tantrums.. I guess Jackson wants to stay on the “nice list”!
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